Is Mango A Citrus Fruit?


When trying to determine which fruits are the very best for your diet, the mango is one that often comes up in conversation because it is tropical, colorful, and delicious. If you’ve ever asked yourself, “Is mango a citrus fruit?” the answer is relatively simple.

Citrus fruits, like oranges, lemons, and limes, belong to a very specific botanical family that is marked by segmented divisions within the interior. Though mangoes are orange tropical fruits that superficially resemble citrus fruits, they are not classified as a citrus fruit. Therefore a mango is not a citrus fruit, it is a tropical fruit. Nevertheless, they provide a number of health benefits and eaten the world over.


How to Eat Mangoes

They can be eaten in a number of ways. Most people cut them in the hedgehog style, which involves making square cuts perpendicular to the pit. The resulting cubes can then be more easily removed and eaten by hand. In fact, there are a number of excellent video tutorials out there that show interested people exactly how to cut a mango without getting frustrated.

This particular cutting method is so named because the resulting fruit cubes look like the pattern on hedgehogs.

It is also possible to cut mango slices, which are longer and thinner but nevertheless taste delicious. The key to the whole enterprise is to first peel the mango so that the bitter rind is not accidentally mixed in with the fleshy interior. Cooks would also do well to make sure that the pit itself is avoided. Because mangoes are usually quite large, buying just a few of the fruits will allow a family to have a nice side dish with their dinner. Whether you choose cubes or slices, the taste is the same.

What uses does the Mango have?

There are a number of uses for the mango that some people might not be familiar with. In fact, many individuals make jelly or jam with them, which can generally be stored for long periods of time without degradation. The jam can be brought out and spread on toast or croissants to make a beautiful addition to any breakfast. Most such recipes call for a fair amount of sugar and pectin to be added to the jam. Make sure you find a good recipe that has been created by someone who is familiar with jams and jellies so that you don’t waste your fruit on poor cooking methods.

uses for mangoes

Mangoes can also be used in savory meals. They can be added to salsas and other sauces to provide just a hint of sweetness. These sauces are then served over meats, vegetables, and rice dishes as an extra delicacy. Some salsas and sauces can even be combined with chili peppers or other spicy vegetables to give a taste that is both sweet and spicy at the same time. Lovers of Indian cuisine and some East Asian cuisines are especially keen on adding chili peppers to fruit-based sauces. It provides an interesting overall taste for the palate that cannot really be found anywhere else in the world.

Vegetarians will find the mango a welcome addition to their diet. The fruit contains plenty of vitamins and minerals that are needed to help keep the body working properly. A healthy array of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes are the perfect diet for people who want to generally avoid meat if possible.

They will be getting all the nutrients they need while keeping themselves in tip-top shape. One positive thing about being a vegetarian, in fact, is that people will get to eat a wide range of fruits and vegetables that might otherwise have remains unknown to them.

Mango Health Benefits

mango health benefits

Men and women who are embarking on the journey of weight loss in the new year will want to keep themselves as full as possible. The mango, in fact, has plenty of fiber in it, which keeps the belly satisfied and generally helps people stay away from junk food. Eating lots of fruit, in fact, will allow most dieters to satisfy their sugar cravings while avoiding things like soda pop and candy, which are almost straight sugar.

The goal is to still allow the sweet tooth to get what it wants while avoiding things that are generally bad for the body. The goal is to keep the weight off while still enjoying tasty foods like mangoes.

As anyone who wants to begin eating healthy knows, exercise is a crucial part of the process. Good food choices will give you the energy to stick with your daily exercise routine without feeling run-down from a lack of energy. Foods that are high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C will give you the boost you need to meet your goals. Whether you are training for a marathon or simply trying to jog a few miles each week, sticking to a plan is key. Fruits like mangoes, oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are all good choices. You might even mix them all together into a makeshift fruit salad before you head out for your morning or evening run.


You might even use the mango as an introduction to other cultures. When Westerners begin to understand how much the fruit means to the people of Pakistan, India, and the Philippines, they might even feel the desire to visit these places.

The goal is to explore other countries and learn all you can about the world. You might even find yourself sitting down to a delicious chutney dish with new friends you’ve recently made while exploring India. You can note which dishes you really like and then perhaps try to recreate them in your own kitchen when you finally return home after the trip. Using food as a way to connect culturally with others is one thing that brings people of different backgrounds together to learn about other cultures. It can be a fantastic way to develop relationships.

You can ultimately classify the mango as a tropical fruit but not a citrus one. Though it is not included in this traditional classification, this does not mean that it is not worth eating. The fruit is a tasty, tropical specimen that most people fall in love with. It can be made the basis of many different kinds of dishes during the year.


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